What is Orrin Woodward Net Worth?
Orrin Woodward Net Worth is About $8 Million.
Who is Orrin Woodward?
Orrin Woodward is NYT bestselling author, Guinness World Record holder, cofounder of Life, public speaker, fisherman.
Orrin Woodward, Inc Magazine’s Top 20 Leaders and Top 100 Speakers is the N.Y. Times/W.S.J. bestselling author of Launching a Leadership Revolution (with Chris Brady) and LeaderShift (with Oliver DeMille).
After publishing And Justice For All: The Quest for Concord, he established the Guinness World Record for the most significant book signing. His first book, RESOLVED 13 Resolutions For LIFE, was his solo debut. The 13 resolutions form the basis for the best-selling Mental Fitness Challenge personal growth program.
Orrin co-founded two multimillion-dollar leadership companies and is the board chairman for LIFE. He holds a B.S. He holds a B.S. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University).
He also completed half his requirements for the University of Michigan’s prestigious M.B.A. Program before he left school to launch his entrepreneurial ventures. Orrin received four U.S.A. Patents as an engineer and recipient of an exclusive National Technical Benchmarking Award. With his family, Orrin follows the sun from Florida to Michigan.
New book: EXPOSED: Financial Matrix
EXPOSED is Orrin’s most important book. This book is based on Orrin’s experiences and more than twenty years of research. It exposes the force matrixes that elites use to control mass production. Anyone responsible for servicing debt should read these principles and apply them to his family to escape the matrix.
My (and the co-founders’ of LIFE) leadership journey was marked by my decision to put principles above profits and risk losing everything. We had built a net worth in the tens of millions, but we were determined to protect the principles that we believe are sacred. These principles are not authentic; a person can only be authentic if taught by living them.
My life was full of challenges and rewards, but 2007-2010 were the most difficult. Witnessing control from the perspective of a billion-dollar company trying to take control of the hypocritically-named independent business owners was what helped me the most.
First, I discovered that most American businesses don’t practice free markets or bold entrepreneurship. Instead, corporations leverage their power with the government and the media to prevent new entrepreneurs from scaling the mountain they already have.
Second, since true leaders are against injustice, I tried to address the issues directly by speaking to the cartel-like owners. This led to more attacks on my character. The elites and their anonymous assassins invariably attack the messenger when they cannot defend their message. We are proud of our work and share our story to help people make informed decisions about who we are, what we stand up for, and our purpose.
I love the idea of free enterprise and receiving a reward for services rendered to customers. However, Big Businesses have created a culture that rewards credentialists (who make money by following orders) over corporate creators (who innovate and create value for customers). True innovation is not recognized in cartels since credentialists encourage other credentialists and drive out creators.
Do you remember, for instance, the story about Sam Walton being kicked out of Franklin Five and Dime due to his many ideas? He didn’t keep the company line when it was ineffective.
What about Steve Jobs, who was kicked out of his company Apple the first time? These are all examples of Big Businesses, Big Governments, and Big Banks collaborating to create Crony Capitalism, a system of cartels that aims to make the elites rich at the expense of the rest.
Ironically, the Elites Matrices of Control playbook (Financial Matrix and Feudal Matrix) would not have been discovered to me if I hadn’t lived this experience. God only reveals His most profound truths to those in the most difficult of waters.
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